Ceramic Bobbin Heaters

Ceramic Bobbin Heaters are used for direct heating of air and indirect heating of liquids. It is inserted into a thermowell, it offers a large heated area to the liquid or semi-solid to be heated. Material such as oil, wax, fats and bitumen require low heating surface temperature to prevent product degradation. The ideal feature of the Ceramic bobbin heater is that it may be removed for repair or replacement of element without draining the contents of vessel.

These are installed in large storage tanks so that the element may be replaced without draining the contents. Such applications are hot water tanks and vessels containing products which cannot easily be drained.

Ceramic Bobbin heaters consists of 80/20 nickel chrome resistance wire supported on refractory insulators and connected to a terminal block at one end. The element flex to allow easy installation and handling.

Available 240 volt single phrase and 415 volt single and three phase in 5 power densities to match applications.

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